
Monday, August 3, 2015

How to check if a Base Enum has a valid value

Base enums can use integer assignment to be set, but you can set it 0 to any positive valid integer up to 255 inclusive, and that does not mean it's a valid enum.

Take for example the base enum "ABC" (\Data Dictionary\Base Enums\ABC).  You can assign ABC=555, and it will store an integer value of 255 with no issue.

To check if an enum value is valid, you can use this method:

static boolean checkABCEnum(ABC _abc)
    return new DictEnum(enumNum(ABC)).value2Symbol(_abc));

Here is a sample job that will demonstrate how this can be an issue:

static void CheckIfEnumIsValid(Args _args)
    // Possible enum values 0, 1, 2, 3
    ABC         abcValid, abcInvalid;
    // Valid enum
    abcValid = ABC::C;
    info(strFmt("%1, %2", enum2int(abcValid), abcValid));
    // Invalid enum, but integer assignment works and is stored
    abcInvalid = 555;
    info(strFmt("%1, %2", enum2int(abcInvalid), abcInvalid));
    if(new DictEnum(enumNum(ABC)).value2Symbol(abcValid))
        info(strFmt("Enum with type %1 and integer value %2 (%3) is valid", typeOf(abcValid), enum2int(abcValid), abcValid));
        error(strFmt("Enum with type %1 and value %2 is invalid", typeOf(abcValid), enum2int(abcValid)));
    if(new DictEnum(enumNum(ABC)).value2Symbol(abcInvalid))
        info(strFmt("Enum with type %1 and integer value %2 (%3) is valid", typeOf(abcInvalid), enum2int(abcInvalid), abcInvalid));
        error(strFmt("Enum with type %1 and value %2 is invalid", typeOf(abcInvalid), enum2int(abcInvalid)));
        3, C
        Enum with type Enum and integer value 3 (C) is valid
        Enum with type Enum and value 4 is invalid


  1. The article on checking if a Base Enum has a valid value is exceptionally clear and helpful. The step-by-step guidance provides a concise yet comprehensive approach, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers. The author's commitment to simplicity and effectiveness shines through, ensuring that readers can easily implement the solution in their projects. The use of practical examples further enhances the understanding of the concept. This article not only solves a common programming challenge but also fosters a deeper appreciation for elegant and efficient code. Kudos to the author for delivering a valuable resource that empowers developers to navigate and optimize their Enum-based implementations with confidence.

  2. Hey everyone, I've been following the insightful discussion on enum validation, and I wanted to share a helpful tool that simplifies background removal for enum checking. If you've ever struggled with validating base enums effectively, you'll appreciate this resource. I recently came across a user-friendly solution at that streamlines the process. It's proven to be a game-changer for many, and I believe it could enhance our enum validation workflows. Feel free to check it out, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Has anyone else tried similar tools or approaches in their enum validation process? Looking forward to your insights!
