
Friday, July 18, 2014

HowTo: Automatically create parm methods on AxBC classes in one line of code!

When you get this best practice error:

"The Table.Field does not have a corresponding parm-method on the AxBC-class"

You can save yourself time and automatically add the methods with this line in a job:


Now whenever you run code that creates code, you should know what you're doing.  Also, this won't create the set methods, but I think that's a bug on Microsoft's part because part of the code appears to be there, but not used at all.  Look at `\Classes\AxGenerateAxBCClass\createInterfaceMethods` and see the variable `setMethodName` is not used.

I modified that class to make it work for my purposes.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Force the batch server to execute batch jobs immediately and bypass the 60 second wait in one line of code! - [AX 2012]

In AX 2012, if you want to force the batch server to immediately check for awaiting batch jobs and execute them without waiting the 60 seconds for the server to discover them, you can call:


Why might you need this?

In my case, I need to call this because I think there is a bug caused by a race condition that can occur with reliable asynchronous (SysOperationExecutionMode::ReliableAsynchronous) processes that are called from the client.

What happens when you call a reliable asynchronous process client side, two things happen at the same time from `\Classes\SysOperationController\doBatch`:

  • Batch task record is inserted to \Data Dictionary\Tables\Batch)
  • Some sort of new thread is spun up asynchronously via `\Classes\SysOperationController\asyncWaitForBatchCompletion`

So, my theory on what can happen is the async polling process (`\Classes\SysOperationFrameworkService\waitForBatchJob`) will try and select the Batch record and may not find it because the Batch record hasn't finished inserting.

In my case, I've overloaded the doBatch() method and put some tracking logic with pessimisticLock that slows down the Batch insert just enough to periodically cause I end up with batch jobs sometimes that are waiting ~60 seconds to be picked up.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How to: Copy a sales order using SalesCopying class

There are a million code snippets that show you how to create/copy a sales order that work 80% of the time, but often don't account for the many different scenarios from different environments.

This job shows you how to copy a sales order, but more importantly it shows you how to use the SalesCopying class so that you can copy from SalesQuotes, Journals, etc.

static void JobCopySO(Args _args)
    SalesTable  salesTable = SalesTable::find('SO000777');
    SalesLine   salesLine;
    SalesTable  salesTableNew;
    SalesOrderCopyingContract contract = SalesOrderCopyingContract::newIsCreditNote(false);
    SalesCopying            salesCopying;
    TmpFrmVirtual           tmpFrmVirtualLines;
    TmpFrmVirtual           tmpFrmVirtualHeader;
    void writeTmpFrmVirtual(TmpFrmVirtual _tmpFrmVirtual, TableId _tableId, RecId _recId, Num _id, LineNum _lineNum = 0, TransDate _transDate = systemDateGet(), Qty _qty = 0)
        _tmpFrmVirtual.TableNum     = _tableId;
        _tmpFrmVirtual.RecordNo     = _recId;
        _tmpFrmVirtual.Id           = _id;
        _tmpFrmVirtual.LineNum      = _lineNum;
        _tmpFrmVirtual.TransDate    = _transDate;
        _tmpFrmVirtual.Qty          = _qty;

    // Create your new sales header
    salesTableNew.SalesId = NumberSeq::newGetNum(SalesParameters::numRefSalesId()).num();
    salesTableNew.CustAccount = salesTable.CustAccount;
    // Build header virtual
    writeTmpFrmVirtual(tmpFrmVirtualHeader, salesTable.TableId, salesTable.RecId, salesTable.SalesId);
    while select salesLine
        where salesLine.SalesId == salesTable.SalesId
        writeTmpFrmVirtual(tmpFrmVirtualLines, salesLine.TableId, salesLine.RecId, salesLine.SalesId, salesLine.LineNum, systemDateGet(), salesLine.SalesQty);
    SalesCopying::copyServer(contract.pack(), false);
    info(strFmt("Created %1", salesTableNew.SalesId));