
Monday, May 11, 2015

How to create/update a phone number for a customer/vendor in X++ [AX 2012]

As a follow-up to my last post about finding phone numbers, here is sample code of how you can properly find/create/update a phone number for a customer/vendor.

static void CreatePhoneExample(Args _args)
    CustTable                           custTable = CustTable::find('100013'); // TODO - Change to your customer
    LogisticsElectronicAddress          logisticsElectronicAddress;
    container                           defaultRole = map2Con(LogisticsLocationEntity::getDefaultLocationRoleFromEntity(tableNum(DirPartyTable)));
    setPrefix(strFmt("Creating/Updating number for customer %1", custTable.AccountNum));
    // This will find/create a number for a customer
    logisticsElectronicAddress.Type = LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType::Phone;
    logisticsElectronicAddress.Locator = '555-555-5555';
    logisticsElectronicAddress.Location = DirPartyLocation::findOrCreate(custTable.Party, 0).Location;

    // This will find or create the new logisticsElectronicAddress
    // If it does not find it, it will do a .insert() which will only persist these fields (Location, Type, Locator, LocatorExtension)
    // so if you want to set the Description or if it's primary or not, you will need to update the record after this call
    logisticsElectronicAddress = LogisticsElectronicAddress::findOrCreate(logisticsElectronicAddress);
    // We re-select it for update in case this isn't a new number and it found an existing
    // because the "find" doesn't "select for update"
    logisticsElectronicAddress = LogisticsElectronicAddress::findRecId(logisticsElectronicAddress.RecId, true);
    logisticsElectronicAddress.Description = "New Primary Phone";
    // If you set the number to primary, during the insert/update it will handle unassigning previously
    // marked primary numbers if they exist
    logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary = NoYes::Yes;
    // At this point, we need to mark the "purpose" of the number.  I'm just using the default role, which should be "Business"
    LogisticsEntityLocationRoleMap::createEntityLocationRoles(tableNum(LogisticsElectronicAddressRole), logisticsElectronicAddress.RecId, conPeek(defaultRole, 1), true);
    info(strFmt("Created/updated phone number [%1] for customer %2.", logisticsElectronicAddress.Locator, custTable.AccountNum));

How the phone numbers relate to customers/vendors and how to search/enumerate them [AX 2012]

The customer/vendor phone number relation is not terribly complex, but there don't seem to be very many clear-cut examples of sample code on how the joins work.  So I typed up a few sample scenarios.

How to find all of a customer/vendor phone numbers:

    // Find all of the customer's phone numbers
    while select dirPartyLocation
        where dirPartyLocation.Party            == dirPartyTable.RecId      &&
              dirPartyLocation.IsPostalAddress  == NoYes::No
    join logisticsElectronicAddress
        order by logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary desc    
        where logisticsElectronicAddress.Location == dirPartyLocation.Location
        info(strFmt("All Numbers\t%1 [Primary == %2]", logisticsElectronicAddress.Locator, logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary));

How to find all of a customer/vendor phone numbers with the "Business" role type:

    // Find all of a customer's phone numbers with the purpose of "Business"
    while select dirPartyLocation
        where dirPartyLocation.Party                            == dirPartyTable.RecId      &&
              dirPartyLocation.IsPostalAddress                  == NoYes::No
    join logisticsElectronicAddress
        order by logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary desc
        where logisticsElectronicAddress.Location               == dirPartyLocation.Location
    join logisticsElectronicAddressRole
        where logisticsElectronicAddressRole.ElectronicAddress  == logisticsElectronicAddress.RecId
    join locationRole
        where logisticsElectronicAddressRole.LocationRole       == locationRole.RecId       &&
              locationRole.Type                                 == LogisticsLocationRoleType::Business
        info(strFmt("All Business Numbers Only\t%1 [Primary == %2, Role == %3]", logisticsElectronicAddress.Locator, logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary, locationRole.Name));

How to find all of a customer/vendor phone numbers and all marked roles:

    // Find all of a customer's phone numbers and all of the marked purposes for each number
    while select dirPartyLocation
        where dirPartyLocation.Party                    == dirPartyTable.RecId      &&
              dirPartyLocation.IsPostalAddress          == NoYes::No
    join logisticsElectronicAddress
        order by logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary desc
        where logisticsElectronicAddress.Location                == dirPartyLocation.Location
        purposes = conNull();
        while select logisticsElectronicAddressRole
            where logisticsElectronicAddressRole.ElectronicAddress   == logisticsElectronicAddress.RecId
        join locationRole
            where logisticsElectronicAddressRole.LocationRole        == locationRole.RecId
            purposes += locationRole.Name;
        info(strFmt("All Numbers and all roles\t%1 [Primary == %2, Roles == %3]", logisticsElectronicAddress.Locator, logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary, con2Str(purposes)));

And if you are only looking for a primary contact, that information/link is also directly stored on DirPartyTable for the primaries only and you can query it this way:

    // Alternative method for finding the primary locator contact
    // Can see used here \Classes\DirParty\primaryElectronicAddress
    select firstonly logisticsElectronicAddress
        exists join dirPartyTable
            where dirPartyTable.PrimaryContactPhone == logisticsElectronicAddress.RecId
            && dirPartyTable.RecId == custTable.Party;
    info(strFmt("Alternative method\t%1 [Primary == %2]", logisticsElectronicAddress.Locator, logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary));

Here are all of the snippets in one large job you can copy & paste and run (after changing to your own customer)

static void FindPhoneExample(Args _args)
    CustTable                           custTable = CustTable::find('100013'); // TODO - Change to one of your customers
    DirPartyTable                       dirPartyTable = DirPartyTable::findRec(custTable.Party);
    DirPartyLocation                    dirPartyLocation;
    LogisticsElectronicAddress          logisticsElectronicAddress;
    LogisticsElectronicAddressRole      logisticsElectronicAddressRole;
    LogisticsLocationRole               locationRole;
    container                           purposes;

    setPrefix("Finding Phone Numbers");
    // Find all of the customer's phone numbers
    while select dirPartyLocation
        where dirPartyLocation.Party            == dirPartyTable.RecId      &&
              dirPartyLocation.IsPostalAddress  == NoYes::No
    join logisticsElectronicAddress
        order by logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary desc    
        where logisticsElectronicAddress.Location == dirPartyLocation.Location
        info(strFmt("All Numbers\t%1 [Primary == %2]", logisticsElectronicAddress.Locator, logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary));
    // Find all of a customer's phone numbers with the purpose of "Business"
    while select dirPartyLocation
        where dirPartyLocation.Party                            == dirPartyTable.RecId      &&
              dirPartyLocation.IsPostalAddress                  == NoYes::No
    join logisticsElectronicAddress
        order by logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary desc
        where logisticsElectronicAddress.Location               == dirPartyLocation.Location
    join logisticsElectronicAddressRole
        where logisticsElectronicAddressRole.ElectronicAddress  == logisticsElectronicAddress.RecId
    join locationRole
        where logisticsElectronicAddressRole.LocationRole       == locationRole.RecId       &&
              locationRole.Type                                 == LogisticsLocationRoleType::Business
        info(strFmt("All Business Numbers Only\t%1 [Primary == %2, Role == %3]", logisticsElectronicAddress.Locator, logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary, locationRole.Name));
    // Find all of a customer's phone numbers and all of the marked purposes for each number
    while select dirPartyLocation
        where dirPartyLocation.Party                    == dirPartyTable.RecId      &&
              dirPartyLocation.IsPostalAddress          == NoYes::No
    join logisticsElectronicAddress
        order by logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary desc
        where logisticsElectronicAddress.Location                == dirPartyLocation.Location
        purposes = conNull();
        while select logisticsElectronicAddressRole
            where logisticsElectronicAddressRole.ElectronicAddress   == logisticsElectronicAddress.RecId
        join locationRole
            where logisticsElectronicAddressRole.LocationRole        == locationRole.RecId
            purposes += locationRole.Name;
        info(strFmt("All Numbers and all roles\t%1 [Primary == %2, Roles == %3]", logisticsElectronicAddress.Locator, logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary, con2Str(purposes)));
    // Alternative method for finding the primary locator contact
    // Can see used here \Classes\DirParty\primaryElectronicAddress
    select firstonly logisticsElectronicAddress
        exists join dirPartyTable
            where dirPartyTable.PrimaryContactPhone == logisticsElectronicAddress.RecId
            && dirPartyTable.RecId == custTable.Party;
    info(strFmt("Alternative method\t%1 [Primary == %2]", logisticsElectronicAddress.Locator, logisticsElectronicAddress.IsPrimary));