During an upgrade where you are re-implementing, it's common to import database schema via XPO to get your table structure with EDTs.
Sometimes EDTs that are brought over end up pointing to non-existent tables and/or and you change/rename tables, things get broken.
To uplift your old EDT relations to their corresponding tables, you can use the EDT Relation Migration Tool (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg989788.aspx) located under Tools>Code Upgrade>EDT Relation Migration Tool.
My first time running this tool, it errored with "The table does not exist."
Which was due to an EDT that was imported that had a broken table relation.
This job will loop over every CUS+ EDT, and if it has a relation, check if it's valid. If it is not, it will create a private project of the EDTs with errors. You can easily change it to search different layers/models/etc. I only limited to the CUS layer for performance.
static void JobCreateProjWithBrokenEDTs(Args _args) { #define.ProjName('BadEDTs') SysProjectFilterRunBase projectFilter = new SysProjectFilterRunBase(); ProjectNode projectNode; UtilElements utilElements; SysModelElement modelElement; SysModelElementType modelElementType; SysModelElementData modelElementData; SysDictType sysDictType; SysDictRelation sysDictRelation; TableId tableId; SysDictTable sysDictTable; SysDictField sysDictField; FieldName fieldName; int i; void addBadEDT(SysModelElement _modelElement) { utilElements = null; utilElements.Name = _modelElement.Name; utilElements.ParentID = _modelElement.ParentId; utilElements.RecordType = _modelElement.ElementType; if (utilElements.RecordType == UtilElementType::SharedProject || utilElements.RecordType == UtilElementType::PrivateProject || utilElements.RecordType == UtilElementType::ClassInternalHeader || utilElements.RecordType == UtilElementType::TableInternalHeader || !projectFilter.doUtilElements(utilElements)) { info(strfmt("@SYS316339", strfmt('%1 %2', utilElements.RecordType, utilElements.Name))); } } projectFilter.grouping(SysProjectGrouping::AOT); while select modelElement join Name from modelElementType where modelElementType.RecId == modelElement.ElementType && modelElementType.RecId == UtilElementType::ExtendedType join modelElementData where modelElementData.ModelElement == modelElement.RecId && modelElementData.Layer >= (UtilEntryLevel::cus-1) { sysDictType = new sysDictType(modelElement.AxId); if (sysDictType) { sysDictRelation = sysDictType.relationObject(); if (sysDictRelation) { tableId = sysDictRelation.table(); sysDictTable = new SysDictTable(tableId); if (sysDictTable) { // Found an EDT with a valid table, check if the field // relations are good for (i = 1; i <= sysDictRelation.lines(); i++) { fieldName = fieldid2name(tableId,sysDictRelation.lineExternTableValue(i)); sysDictField = new SysDictField(sysDictTable.id(),fieldname2id(sysDictTable.id(),fieldName)); if (!sysDictField) { // Field relation is bad on EDT warning (strFmt("%1 found table, missing field on table %2", sysDictType.name(), sysDictTable.name())); addBadEDT(modelElement); } } } else { // Found an EDT with a broken table relation warning(strFmt("%1 missing valid table", sysDictType.name())); addBadEDT(modelElement); } } } } SysUpgradeProject::delete(#ProjName, ProjectSharedPrivate::ProjPrivate); projectNode = SysTreeNode::createProject(#ProjName); projectFilter.parmProjectNode(projectNode); projectFilter.write(); info(strFmt("Created private project %1", #ProjName)); }